Automate 5,000 different applications

Connections between systems with a few clicks!

The better alternative to Make!

With Zapier, you can create workflows for 5,000 different cloud-based applications, making your work faster and more productive. Connect tasks across various web-based applications and benefit from increased productivity by reducing time-consuming repetitive operations. You minimize error rates and achieve more transparency and quality in your business processes.

Why use Zapier?

  • Customer inquiry and follow-up automation.
  • Task automation, including administrative tasks.
  • Integration of automated workflows into CRM systems.
  • Automatic notifications for lead updates.
  • Collaborative workflows for shared tasks.
  • Flexible team management within workflows (role-based restrictions).
  • Self-integration of new applications on the platform.
  • Process monitoring through activity logs.
  • Adaptable and flexible automation based on if/then logic and triggers.

Our services

  • Conceptual and technical consulting.
  • Tool setup.
  • Training/coaching for users.
  • Long-term care and support.
  • Software maintenance.
  • Configuration of APIs for integration of other systems.
  • Integration with HubSpot, Salesforce, and other CRMs.

Ready to get Zapier?


WPWA Team GmbH
Sandstraße 31
80335 Munich
+49 89 12 50 923-30