Automatically capture and update contacts


Straightforward and effective contact capture and updating for your company's sales. Digitize business cards on the go with your smartphone; import contacts from business networks and websites, or integrate email signatures into your sales software. Update existing national or international contacts and customer information using AI and deduplication checks in your Customer Relationship Management system


Why use snapADDY?

  • Scan and store or update contacts from business cards or badges in the company's CRM.
  • Integration of CRM with your smartphone for on-the-go access—synchronized contacts and updates between smartphone and CRM; direct contact from the app possible.
  • High data quality due to automatic data maintenance (e.g., checking incoming emails with signatures) and deduplication check. This leads to more efficient processes and simplified CRM management.
  • Flexible system with numerous interfaces to other software and customizable user management.

Our performance

  • Conceptual and technical consulting
  • Tool setup
  • Training/coaching for users
  • Long-term care and support
  • Software maintenance
  • Integration with HubSpot, Salesforce, and other CRMs
  • Configuration of an API interface for integration with other systems

Ready to get started with snapDaddy?


WPWA Team GmbH
Sandstraße 31
80335 Munich
+49 89 12 50 923-30