Legal requirements simply implemented!
Already 10,000 websites are GDPR-compliant thanks to the consentmanager. The consentmanager checks via a framework which advertising data can be transmitted and which information your online marketing can use. The system obtains consent from your website visitors through a cookie banner and automatically blocks third-party codes and cookies in case of non-consent.
The benefits of consentmanager
- Very easy integration into the website.
- High adaptability to your web design.
- Integrated cookie crawler.
- Available in more than 30 languages, automatically selects the appropriate one.
- Compatible with more than 2,500 tools such as customer management systems or shops.
- Secure data protection also on an international level with the global IAB GPP (Global Privacy Platform) standard
- Integrates GDPR, CCPA, LGPD (Brazil), PIPEDA (Canada).
- Optimizes cookie banners for lower bounce rates (A/B tests for optimization).
- Provides responses to information or deletion requests from website visitors.
- Content blocker for third-party services such as YouTube is possible.