Social Selling – Creating successful customer relationships online

Become an expert for your target customer group now!

Individual support is significant if you and your company want to become successful through social selling. As a sparring partner, we train and accompany you to reach your customer target groups as experts on the right platforms and to build trust.

A large network

We design your profiles and strategy for networking with customers and prospects.

Training and coaching

We offer training and coaching for optimized social selling.

Sustainable relationships

We accompany you in the long term as a partner at your side for more sustainable relationships.


Social selling in B2B business

What is Social Selling? Here, as a B2B measure, you establish a network of relationships with potential customers and decision-makers in social networks. You present yourself and your company as an expert on Xing or LinkedIn, for example, and build trust. Instead of scaring away potential customers with spam, you do the opposite. You interact with your potential customers, respond to requests and questions from interested parties and advise them. This is how B2B becomes peer-to-peer (P2P) communication.

For example, we show you how to:

  • Start dialogues with potential customers
  • Interact on the appropriate platforms
  • Publish your own content that addresses the biggest concerns of your target customer group
  • Act appropriately in communities
  • Share meaningful content from others

Book an appointment without obligation!

„The placement as an expert in the context of social selling gives you credibility and the trust of the prospects. Which you can't achieve with other advertising measures.“
Svenja Böhme Head of MarTech & Systems
Svenja Böhme
Head of MarTech & Systems
Book an appointment now

Maintain and use contacts

Especially in times of the corona pandemic, when many face-to-face networking events are canceled, social selling is an excellent solution to initiate contacts online. After face-to-face events, connections via social networks help to maintain contact with decision-makers via the Internet. This is how you prepare the sales process.

With workshops and support for your social selling measures, we at WPWA Digital help you find the right ways to win new customers and prospects with social selling. We analyze target groups and their social media use, find the right platforms for your activities and provide content ideas.


Our services


Together with you, we check which measures are already successful and how you could expand these activities.

Sparring partner

We are your sparring partner in the ongoing process: We analyze posts, expert articles and consultations as well as the reactions of potential customers.


In workshop format or in individual consultation, we find out which target groups, topics, and platforms are suitable for your business goals.

Reporting and optimization

We give you concrete feedback on where and how improvements can be made.

Are you ready for your Marketing 2.0? Don't be shy: say hi!

WPWA Team GmbH
Sandstrasse 31
80335 Munich
+49 89 12 50 923-30